Welcome to your Journey of Holistic Healing

and Transformation

Kathy Bjerke, Certified Hypnotic Coach,

Board Certified and Licensed Massage Therapist,

and Reiki Master Teacher

Your healing journey is unique, just like you!

If you've found your way to this page, it's not by accident. I believe you're here because you're ready for a transformation.Your journey may come from a deep longing for healing. You may have faced challenges that have left you searching for answers and solutions. Or you're looking to gain clarity about your life's purpose. Whatever brought you here, welcome. Let me tell you what I do and how I can help you.

A shift towards holistic healing

Hi! My name is Kathy, and I am a Certified Hypnotic Coach, Board Certified Licensed Massage Therapist, and Reiki Practitioner and Teacher. Just like you, I've been on my own winding path. It has led me to a deep understanding of physical and spiritual healing. My story began in the medical field, where I worked as a Radiation Therapist, treating oncology patients. It was here that I witnessed the incredible resilience of the human body. I realized that with the right support and opportunity, our bodies possess an innate power to heal. In 2011, I embarked on a new chapter, shifting my focus to holistic healing. Since then, I've been learning and exploring other holistic healing methods. Today, my toolkit includes massage, bodywork, Reiki, hypnotherapy, and life coaching, all designed to help you live a healthier, more vibrant life. 

When the traditional healing methods aren't enough

Many people find me after exploring conventional medicine, trying to get relief from physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. However, the standard approaches often fail to address the complexities of health and well-being. That's because we're more than physical symptoms and a jumble of cells; there is also an emotional and spiritual aspect of ourselves that often goes unaddressed⏤until we get to the point that we're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. That's when we start looking at alternative healing options.

Tap into your body's natural healing abilities

Whether you are looking for relief from pain, healing from illness, or want to enhance your well-being, I'm here for you. My goal is to help you discover the tools within yourself to create lasting healing, transformation, and wellness. I bring a unique blend of experience, combining Western medicine insights, massage, Reiki, acupressure, hypnosis, and life coaching. These healing modalities should not replace traditional Western medicine but complement it by unlocking the healing potential within you.

You deserve a life of health, vibrancy and happiness

Imagine living a life where health, vibrancy, and happiness are your everyday companions. This is what I help my clients achieve.If you're tired of feeling stuck, drained, or longing for healing, it's time to take action. You possess all the innate wisdom necessary to improve your life and well-being, and I can help you open up to receive them. Schedule an appointment with me today, and let's begin the process of healing and transformation.

Namaste, Kathy

My Journey Towards Healing Mastery

  • 1988: Began a career as a Radiation Therapist treating oncology patients.

  • 2011: Transitioned to a holistic healing focus, incorporating massage, bodywork, and Reiki to promote well-being.

  • 2011: Graduated from Arizona School of Integrated Studies through Rock Valley College, becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist.

  • 2012: Certified in Oncology Massage: Specialized in supporting individuals through every stage of cancer treatment, recovery, and remission using reflexology, acupressure, Swedish massage, manual lymphatic drainage, and Reiki.

  • Ongoing: Continued education and training in holistic healing, including Reiki Master Teacher, Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, and Life Coaching.

  • February 2023: Completed training in Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy.

  • Upcoming: Completing training in Life Coaching.

  • Teaching: Offers classes in various subjects of Spirituality.

That's enough about me. I'd love to hear about your journey. 


Restorative Massage & Bodywork LLC

11039 Main Street

Unit #2

Roscoe, Illinois

(815) 623-1569


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